
Evolution Ecovillage offers a place for vegans to live in peace, grow food and live together.

We are located in southeast, tropical Ecuador with temperatures between 20 and 30 celcius on a 45 hectare fruit farm less than an hour from the city by car. The land has a clean stream for bathing and plenty of secondary jungle. Indigenous and local Ecuadorians live around the area.

Join us planting trees, harvesting the fruit, live and learn together with like-minded people.
Choose one of the options below and send us an application:


Donator basic

Donator plus

Work 10 hours per week Pay $50 per month Pay $100 per month
Pay $10 utility fee per month
Food from the land is included Food from the land is not included Food from the land is included

Apply here


What does the accomodation look like?

You have the option to stay in a room in the main house or in a cabin with short distance from the house. There is plenty of room to set up a tent under a roof so if you have a tent that is a great option, especially during times when the house is full.

How many people are living in the community?

It varies. A couple years ago there were 10-15 people. As of a year we are around 5.

How does one aquire food and items?

There is a food order arriving to the comunity. You can also go to the city, 40 minutes by taxi, or 30 minute bus plus 45 minute walking.

Is the area safe?

The neighbourhood is friendly but Ecuador (and the world as a whole) is plagued by crime that even reaches us; one time there was a robbery here.

How much food is produced?

Banana: 1-3 racks per week, all year.
Cacao: May-August (tons).
Jackfruit: 30-50 per year.
Amazon tree grape: February-March (lots).
Ice cream bean: March-April (lots).
Peanut butter fruit: February-March (lots)
Almirajo: August-September (few)
Chonta: February-June (lots)

Is the electricity and internet reliable?

Tends to cut randomly a few times per month, usually lasting 1-3 hours, sometimes overnight or a whole day. National restrictions may apply.

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