Evolution Ecovillage

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We like people to know that in 2023 there was an armed robbery here, which caused several people to leave. If you are extra concerned about your safety, this might affect your decision to come here. Or you may not find it too big of a deal, considering it could happen anywhere. We also had a minor theft recently, so now we lock everything up, and we ask people not to keep much cash or valuables unattended especially at night.


The farm produces banana all year round which is enough for a small group of people. Then there are seasonal fruits like chonta, cacao, amazon tree grape, ice cream bean, peanut butter fruit, surinam cherry, ackee, almirajo, papaya, mandarin and jackfruit. They all vary in amount and time of year. You should count on buying your own food from the market in Gualaquiza, or use the weekly food order that arrives directly to the community.